Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kaspersky and Digital Star donated 500,000 yuan each, Yushu

As at 17 o'clock on the April 16, China Red Cross Society of the community were receiving assistance to earthquake-stricken areas in Qinghai Yushu receivables pledged donation of materials and letters of intention to 31.5 million yuan, 7.38 million yuan of funds has arrive.

Samsung Group has committed to the Chinese Red Cross donated 10 million yuan, is the Red Cross Society of China received the largest amount of corporate giving commitments. Daughter of a famous entrepreneur Wang Yung-ching of Taiwan, VIA Cher Wang, chairman commitment by the Chinese Red Cross donated to the earthquake Yushu 10 million yuan worth of funds and is currently undertaking the largest amount of individual donations.

In addition, Pfizer pledged money and goods worth 500 million; General Motors (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Johnson & Johnson (Shanghai) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Xi'an-Janssen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Citroen the Company committed to donated one million yuan; China Merchants Securities love the Red Cross promised to donate 500,000 yuan fund.

Epson (China) Co., Ltd, Canon (China) Co., Ltd., Beijing Kaspersky Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Star Network Technology Co., Ltd. Parkway digital Yushu earthquake each donate 50 million, have been credited into account.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The SMTP user authentication based on QMail Setup Guide (Part Two)

Installation and basic configuration:

cd QMail-1.03
make setup check
. / Config-fast
cd ~ alias
touch. QMail-postmaster. QMail-mailer-daemon. QMail-root
chmod 644 ~ alias / .QMail *
echo " allow, RELAYCLIENT =" ""> / etc / tcp.SMTP

Following this a setuid:
chmod 4755 / bin / checkpassword
cp / var / QMail / boot / home / var / QMail / rc
Modify / var / QMail / rc to. / Mailbox into. / Maildir / using Maildir;

Start QMail:

csh-cf "/ var / QMail / rc &"

Then start the SMTP service

Using the first patch:

tcpserver-H-R-l 0-t 1-c 100-x / etc / tcp.SMTP.cdb-u 507-g 502 0 SMTP
/ Var / QMail / bin / QMail-SMTPd / bin / checkpassword / bin / true / bin/md5checkpw / bin / true &

Use the second patch:

The removed.

Thus, based on the user's SMTP authentication system is complete ~

Then we started on vpopmail of:

groupadd vchkpw
useradd-g vchkpw-d / vmail vpopmail vpopmail installation directory I set in the / vmail in.
su vpopmail
mkdir ~ vpopmail / etc
echo "127.0.01.: allow, RELAYCLIENT =" ""> ~ vpopmail / etc / tcp.SMTP
. / Configure - help
. / Configure - enable-default-domain =
make install-strip
cd ~ vpopmail / bin
. / Vadddomain
. / Vadduser

This adds a user

chmod 6755 / vmail / bin / vchkpw This is setuid

The following is a start SMTP service:

Using the first patch:

tcpserver-H-R-l 0-t 1-c 100-x / etc / tcp.SMTP.cdb-u 507-g 502 0 SMTP
/ Var / QMail / bin / QMail-SMTPd / vmail / bin / vchkpw / bin / true / bin/md5checkpw / bin / true &

Use the second patch:

The removed.

Start pop3 service:

tcpserver-H-R 0 pop-3 / var / QMail / bin / QMail-popup / vmail / bin / vchkpw
/ Var/QMail/bin/QMail-pop3d Maildir &
And other modules use mysql does not affect validation. At this point you're done.

Third, pay attention to the problem:

1. In practice, the above example I use as a domain user name with the dawn as an example, replace your own domain name on it.

2. The second should be noted that the situation based on vpopmail many domain name I have not tested, please test themselves, in theory, should be no problem.

3. My system so I set the search path directly tcpserver, a system need to use / usr / local / bin / tcpserver way to write

4. My vpopmail installed in the / vmail, everyone should pay attention to the path of writing vchkpw.

5. I am here 507,502 were QMaild the uid and gid, you have to replace your own.

6. These operations under the test adopted in redhat7.1.

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